Learning and development leaders are prepping up to embrace a new digital workforce. Beyond the existing workforce, enterprises are challenged to extend human performance improvement capabilities to a new generation of workforce.
Learning and development leaders are prepping up to embrace a new digital workforce. Beyond the existing workforce, enterprises are challenged to extend human performance improvement capabilities to a new generation of workforce.
Meet the new ‘Fluidforce’. The new age workforce is smarter, digitally savvy, highly networked, and always connected (through internet). Moreover, they like to work on-demand and remotely. Smart enterprises like Salesforce, Dell, Amazon, and others have stepped up to this digital revolution and recognize this shift as a competitive advantage. Intuit recently published a study where an estimated 7.6 million professionals will work as providers in the on-demand economy by 2020. Hence the growth of on-demand marketplaces such as Upwork, Crossover, Peopleperhour, etc.
CLOs are about to suddenly see themselves taking the driving seat. Learning leaders need to reshape their workforce development strategies to leverage the contingent workforce and tap into valuable external experience and deep technical skills. To do so, the CLO organizations need to extend beyond the existing workforce. Welcome to the new skills economy.
Must-to-Have(s) for CLOs to extend their learning and development organization are shown in the graph below.
Strawman Ideas for a Fluidforce (workforce) Development Strategy:
- Content Warehousing Model:
- Content Taxonomy Mapping
- Content Metatagging for High Reusability
- Multi-state Content, Omni-channel Delivery
- Extending Learning Management Systems for Collaboration and Coauthoring
- Nativity in User Experience, Infusing Flat and Material Design Practices
- Support, Support, Support- Dedicated Learner Helpdesk for Moment of Need
At Forward Eye, we are driven by our agility and passion for reinvention. Our vision is to help CLOs impact three touch points- the employees, the customers, and the enterprise. Towards this we offer cross-pollinized experiences through our unique model, The CLO-CMO-CTO Round Table™. To learn more, write to us at info@forwardeye.com.