Microlearning- small, yet a complete learning experience.

Learning in context- bite-sized and targeted performance support.

Our approach to microlearning is to help learners ‘learn’ how to perform a task.

Microlearning should offer a contextual learning experience around a specific job. We’ll help you design microlearning experiences as performance support interventions coupled with unique learning experiences. We’ll create just-in-time interventions that are minimalistic and present a contextual learning experience for your learners.


Microlearning is more than just bite-sized courses, videos, or how-to’s.

Bite-size contextual elearning

We’ll help designing bite-size elearning courses that deliver learning experiences based on a performance support opportunity.

How-to videos

Our designers will create explainer videos with step-by-step instructions on how to learn performing a certain task.

Animated scenarios and variable outcomes

A job involving multiple scenarios can benefit from animations of one or more scenarios and show how outcomes are impacted by decisions.

Augmented learning at the moment-of-need

Augmented experiences are a great way of learning delivered on mobile phones. We’ll design augmented reality-based apps focused on specific job-roles that can support employee performance at the moment-of-need.

Partnering with you

Microlearning can bring unique advantages to your employees. Write to us NOW, to discuss with our experts.

We will help you in end-to-end microlearning development including:

  • Need analysis & instructional design
  • User-interface and visual design
  • Creative asset development
  • Animated video creation
  • Video production and recording
  • Localization and translation
  • Custom elearning development and QA
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