If you have a goal, our healthcare elearning solutions will fine-tune to deliver the results you need.

At Forward Eye, our #hyperscale elearning model anchors to the training results you need, throughout the lifecycle.

When you trust your training projects to us, our #hyperscale model allows you to roll out drip-based, personalized healthcare elearning, VR, and AR solutions to your learners.

What this means:

  • Benchmark your training ROI as high as you wish
  • Assess learning gaps, fine-tune content, deliver again
  • One project, one budget, multiple interventions, definitive results
  • Leverage a lab set-up to try cutting-edge elearning, VR, and AR solutions

We develop compliance trainings that simulate on-job scenarios and help mitigate risk, SOP violations, and create healthy work environments.

Workplace Compliance Training

  • Preventing discrimination and harassment
  • Maintaining data integrity
  • Substance abuse in workplace
  • Diversity and inclusion
  • Whistleblower policy

Healthcare compliance training

  • HIPAA compliance
  • CFR 212 Compliance
  • GLP and GCP compliance
  • Professional compliance

We help your front-line sales team learn rapidly and demonstrate learning transfer through increased sales numbers.

Sales Performance Improvement

We create immersive elearning courses using adaptive scenarios, sales process simulations, and role-plays that train sales team members in critical decision-making and experience results of their decisions.

Digital Product Demos

Showcase your healthcare products to prospects and clients digitally using a laptop or smartphone. Demonstrate features, alarms, settings, and a 360 view right from your mobile phone or laptop.

Just-in-Time Performance Support

Just-in-time, mobile learning nuggets can enable quick sales decisions by presenting product information at the right moment. Clinical trial results, technical data, or product specifications can always be on finger tips.

Explainer Product Videos

Share self-learning explainer videos of your healthcare products with your prospects and customers. Transform your customers into product advocates by delivering targeted product information.

Partnering with you

Are you thinking about reducing compliance issues, increasing sales results, or expanding commercial outreach? Write to us NOW, to discuss how we can help.

We will help in developing end-to-end solutions for:

  • Sales performance improvement
  • Product commercial training and outreach
  • Regulatory and compliance training
  • Customer services training
  • Immersive Extended Reality Solutions
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One project, One Budget- Personalize Learning All You Want

Our #hyperscale model allows you to scale and deliver the training results you need. All inclusive.

Successful Projects, Happy Customers